Explore Halesworth Brought to you by Blythweb Ltd a trading name of MHCreations

Great places to eat in and around Halesworth

Great places for fine food in and around Halesworth and the wider Blyth Valley

There are a variety of lovely places to eat in and around Halesworth, from interesting pubs to gourmet restaurants and hotels. Click the links below to see what is available. If you want more information from any of these establishments call or email them directly.

You may also be interested in our extensive listing of Local Food Producers and Outlets.

Halesworth Local Food Database
Halesworth and the Blyth Valley enjoy easy access to all kinds of amazing local food producers. There are organic farms, rare breed farms, artisan cheese producers, several local breweries and independent shops selling wonderful local food
Contact: Herb
Address: Blyth Valley Area, Suffolk
Singtong Neeyom Thai Restaurant
The Singtong Neeyom Thai Restaurant opened in Halesworth to serve its first customers in 2003, but Piek our skilful Chef already had more than 20 years experience of preparing delicious Thai cuisine.
"Restaurant Guru" 2019 Recommendation
Contact: Piek
Address: 37 Thoroughfare, Halesworth